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A powerful way to integrate carbon fiber reinforcements into polymer-based composite components

The mask is an additional model which can be added alongside with the main model. The creation of the mask allows you to change locally the slicing sequences as well as allows setting the custom internal structure in different volume of the part. There are two types of masks: internal masks and full masks.


Internal masks allow setting internal structure parameters such as perimeter count, infill type, density...


Full masks additionally allow changing the number of external shell perimeters and top/bottom solid layers.

The workflow
Design 3D - CAD
Design 3D - Mask
Body in Body
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Reinforcing part with CARBON
Reinforcing mask with CARBON

We use Autodesk Fusion 360 CAD software to design our parts and with separated designed masks we can add any shape and placement body-in-body reinforcements. Not only in their orientation in the plan but also by sequence of layers.

Carbon Fiber Reinforcement   MASK


This way to proceed enhance our ability to reinforce parts in the direction where the most significant mechanical loads are observed, and it also could results a substantial weight and cost reduction.

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